
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Rabbit Hole

Chicago's most recent nod to the speak easy, The Rabbit Hole is an underground supper club where you either have to know one of the primary owners or be sponsored by one to gain admittance.  Needless to say . . . I want to go SO badly.

It's one long table set up for a communal dinner in a dimly lit room full of delectable goodies. The owners refer to themselves as The Cheshire Chef and The Queen of Tarts and the whole thing sounds like something straight out of a Tim Burton movie.

Does anyone happen to have a reservation?  I'd loooove to join you . . .


  1. how'd you hear about this craziness? we gotta get in!

  2. Still haven't heard back . . . :/

  3. i'm going to chicago next week to visit my mormon family and you have just provided me with one hell of a goal...

  4. Good luck! Let me know if you get in!
