
Thursday, May 27, 2010

Text ya later.

I recently read an interesting article about "Tech Etiquette," which is a subject I don't think is addressed nearly enough. Just because you CAN be connected to the outside world at all times doesn't necessarily mean you SHOULD be.

I don't think there's anything ruder than:
1. Constantly checking/sending messages while out at a bar or event . . . am I really so boring that you have to have a conversation with someone else while I'm standing right next to you?
2. Talking on your phone like you're hard of hearing in a closed public space. You're not Perez Hilton, no one cares what you have to say about Kim Kardashian's butt implants.
3. Posting Facebook pictures that make me look like Sloth from The Goonies. We all know that Mark Zuckerberg is taking over the world and soon even children in Sri Lanka without TVs and internet will have access to your most personal information. So, don't post that pic of me swigging Jager from the bottle while wearing a tube top.
4. Sending me a text message that says, "Hi." Honestly, WTF am I supposed to do with that?
5. Sending crazy chain emails to everyone on your contact list when you don't know your audience. If you are my distant relative that I haven't seen in years and who refers to me as a "bagabon" (read: vagabond), please don't send me anti-Obama right-wing crap. I may not agree with the notion that his native tribe in Africa is planning a hostile takeover of the USA.
6. Answering your phone, sending a text, or playing with any random gadget during dinner. The absolute worst. I can't even joke about it.

Will Schwalbe said it best, "Think of your PDA as a crossword puzzle. Anywhere it’s acceptable to work on a crossword puzzle, it’s OK to check your PDA."

Here are some amazingly hilarious examples of when Facebook etiquette has gone out the window.



  1. Kim Kardashian has butt implants??!!!
    World. Falling. Apart.

  2. a follow up to #4 - don't reply to my text messages "k"

    that is the most worthless text.

    i like the crossword idea and plan to implement it when i am with cellphone again

  3. omg i'm the worst. i can't believe you're friends with me if these are your pet peeves!!! i'm a text-a-holic!

  4. This is funny because I was on the elevator at work today and a lady was on the phone talking very loudly about a fungus on her person. Seriously. Hate her so much.

  5. Agreed. To all of the above. Chris does this to me all the time (checking texts @ dinner, or in conversation). Sad, sad world when your live-in girlfriend is apparently THAT un-entertaining. F.

  6. I checked emails on our walk the other day- I'm sorry!

  7. People that constantly check their phone are the worst. NO ONE IS CALLING YOU! Probably because you're rude!

    Very funny stuff!

  8. i completely agree with Sandy, and also think that Number 6 on your list should be number ONE! so annoying. where did you get that article anyway, darce?? :)

  9. Thanks for all the comments and for being terrified to check your phone around me now! hahaha I heard about this article from a very reliable anti-phone on table source, who I'll refer to as Queen Diz.
